Rodin Hamidi


Rodin Hamidi is an independent Cinematographer and Artist based in New York. Rodin was born in Iran and obtained a B.A in Photography from Azad University of Arts in Tehran as well as a Bachelor of Honors in Film Production from Middlesex University -Dubai. He then came to NYC and received a degree in Advanced Cinematography from the New York Film Academy.

Rodin is very interested in exploring the intersections between storytelling and visual language. He has both a technical and artistic understanding of the moving image and he is passionate about its use as a powerful art form, which involves all levels of collaboration and communication.

He has shot several Short Films that have played in major festivals in the USA. In 2009, he was awarded the grand prize of the international competition “Global Democracy Video Challenge” by Hilary Clinton for his film, The Path, which screened at both the Directors Guild Of America and the United Nations in New York City.

His artwork has been published in several international periodicals, including Next Level Magazine, Canvas Magazine, and a new book by Rose Issa – Iranian Photography Now. He also shot the feature length documentary, “Para-America”, which is in post-production.